Mexican Tarragon: Tagetes Lucida

Mexican tarragon is a powerfully psychoactive species of marigold that was used as a ritual incense by the Aztecs.

Tagetes Lucida is said to contain a compound that is very similar to Salvia, one of the most potent naturally occurring psychedelics. Salvinorin A is the powerful alkaloid found in Salvia that is primarily responsible for its psychoactive effects and which is one of the most potent naturally occurring psychedelics.
Aztec ritual use of Tagetes lucida is performed by the Huichol Indians of the Sierra Madre area of Mexico. They call this flower tumutsáli or Yauhtli and smoke the herb during religious rituals. The Huichol hold Tagetes lucida to be one of their most important ritual plants, and use it both recreationally and ceremonially, as part of a rite of passage ritual. They say that it has a strong aphrodisiac effect. The Huichol also smoke the dried herbage of Tagetes lucida during their peyote ceremonies, believing it powerfully enhances the effects. Tagetes lucida effects are said to include extremely dynamic and active visions.